Friday, September 30, 2005


My wife Liz has started a blog relating our foray into homeschooling. Check it out!

Thursday, September 29, 2005

NoVALUG Petition for the Ubuntu Tour!

To all you NoVALUG members:

We need at least 20 people to sign the petition (by adding a comment below) to get Jeff Waugh of Ubuntu to come visit us in November, as part of the BadgerBadgerBadger tour. We have more than that at our monthly meetings so it shouldn't be too hard to get enough interested parties. Post a comment here or reply to my comment on the list.

If there is a location we could use please contact me at pete (a) tux (daught) org. Time window is November 7-16.

Mr. Waugh:

We, the undersigned members of the Northern Virginia Linux Users Group, who celebrate our 13th anniversary on October 1, 2005, would love dearly for you to grace us with your presence.

First, a photograph of just a few of our members, holding many Ubuntu CDs:
We will figure out the location, a place for you to crash, and other logistics in the coming weeks.
